No, we will not ask the administrator to provide their personal financial information, nor will we ask for their social security number, income, assets, etc. We provide the loan under the EIN or tax ID number of the trust or estate, and the trustee or administrator will only be signing in the capacity of trustee
HCS will secure the loan against almost any type of real property located within CA.
No, we can lend to a trust or estate regardless of occupancy of the property.
The typical term is one year, but we can provide longer terms depending on the situation.
No, the loan can be repaid anytime without any minimum interest amount due.
Proposition 19, which went into effect February 16th of 2021, replaced Proposition 58, and created a far more narrow property tax exclusion for inherited properties. Contact us to learn more about Proposition 19 and whether it affects you.
If you have further questions, you may call one of our experts at HCS Equity at 877-427-9820.
To apply for the homeowners’ exemption or disabled veterans’ exemption, a claim must be filed with the County Assessor.
The administration of a trust is governed by the trust instrument itself. For properties held in trusts, Revenue and Taxation Code section 61(h) states that a change in ownership occurs when any interests in real property vest in persons other than the trustor or the trustor’s spouse or registered domestic partner when a revocable trust